f6d3264842 Recently i just had broken my black ops disc by putting it in the case thats right THE CASE.. i put the disc into the case with bearly any pressure .... 27 Feb 2010 ... This is a discussion on How to fix cracked discs! within the Xbox Forum board part of the Console Games category; xbox_360_disc_che.jpg .... Should i be worried or is there anything i can do to repair the cd? Reply. I have the ... My Black Ops disk has a broken centre but still works fine.. Disc-smashed-by-hammer-2-1418172-m.jpg. Okay so maybe we can't help you fix .... 18 Sep 2014 - 2 min - Uploaded by Andrews ArcadeOnce your game disc is cracked the only way to really "fix" it is to prevent it from traveling .... If you use audio CDs in your small business, a cracked CD doesn't necessarily ... the disc again, which could result in the repair failing and the disc shattering.. 9 Dec 2008 ... by OH Smeg · 11 years ago In reply to Who can repair a CRACKED . ... Note: do not try to read the disk; just make a copy at the lowest possible .... 15 Sep 2017 ... Even a small crack in your PS3 game disc will make it unreadable by the console's laser and therefore unplayable. There's a simple fix for .... I don't know how it happened but not long ago my guitar hero III disk cracked at the very middle of the disk in 2 places right next to each other and go until the .... No it won't. Any CD/DVD that is that structurally damaged is not suitable to put into your CD/DVD drive. Putting it risks the disk 'exploding' due to the rotation .... It all started a week ago, when my Soulcalibur IV disk, as disks are prone to do, had a crack in its center ring go all the way through said center .... 12 Sep 2017 ... I been seeing youtube videos of people using toothpaste as a solution to "Repair" disc to function in the game system again. So I'm asking if.... 22 Sep 2017 ... When you check the disc out, you realize it has a big crack in it. If the crack is deep, there is usually no hope in saving it. You can repair small .... 14 May 2016 - 6 min - Uploaded by Official FrostyyHOW TO FIX CRACKED DISK! *NEW 2017!!!*. Official Frostyy. Loading... Unsubscribe from .... 13 Jul 2015 ... Here are a few methods to try to fix your scratched disc at home: 1. ... How To Fix A Broken Flat Screen LCD LED TV With Lines or Cracks.. 9 Nov 2013 - 37 sec - Uploaded by Zebra CometFeel Free To Ask Any Questions In The Comments! Subscribe: bit.ly/ SubToZebraComet Twitter .... The information in this article can help you when a game disc is scratched or cracked. What to do. The disc will need to be replaced. Is this answer helpful? Yes. Effective ways to Fix scratched DVDs 1. toothpaste You can use some toothpaste to fix scratched Discs. Do not use toothpastes that contain .... Compact Discs (CDs) are a convenient and inexpensive way to store music, photos, data and other media. They're also very durable, but accidents can and do .... 28 Jul 2015 ... Before we move on to fixing the disc, we are listing some things that you should keep ... This will not fix any of the scratches on the disc, but it will get rid of all the dirt and .... DVD-encryption cracking to be allowed by the Feds?